

Hi folks!! One more semester has gone and now I want to thank the ones who helped me when I needed, who said comfortable words when I was down, who made me laugh after a difficult test, who realized my sadness and tried to help me somehow. This is for almost all of you guys…

I know it’s difficult to see each other every day and do not get stressed but most of you could do it very well.

I think we all improved this semester and I’m very proud of us. We became more responsible and we are already veteranos!! Hehe

So, congratulations for us because I think even having difficulties we did make the most of our semester.

And, if some weeks ago I criticized Rafael, now I’m saying: Congratulations for you too! For me you are a very good teacher and I feel quite of sad knowing that you are not going to be our teacher again next semester. But I feel just quite of sad because we are going to have Janie as our teacher so we will lose a good teacher to get another good professional.

And just finishing to talk about Rafael, I have already said it for him but I`ll say it here now: the last listening was very good. Having said that, I`m not saying that it was easy, good and easy are different things! I think it was good because it was clear, it wasn’t a complex topic and now for sure, if I fail in this test it`s because my listening skills is not good enough yet, and not because the listening test was a bad choice, it wasn’t the case!

Ah, and Rafael: in my view, for these tests, the time was very well set up =)

Well, talking like this seems that I’m not going to see you in 1 or 2 weeks (hehehe) but anyway, thank you again!

Aline made a “special” comment about me in her last post and I appreciated it a lot. So, Aline, I’ll just say one thing: special people deserves special treatments! ;)

I have been learning a lot with you and I feel really happy for it, I just hope that I could be as good for you as you were for me!

In the last 2 weeks I have been too stressed because I started doing a hard professional work and when I wasn’t at University or studying at home I was working. So I would like to say that I’m so sorry if I wasn’t much talkative or kind of laughing all the time. When you sleep 2 hours at night during 1 whole week you can’t pretend that you’re ok. I know that it’s not your problem and for this reason I’m very glad for the ones who understood me and helped me in this stressed period.

So, it’s a kind of “good-bye” but I still don’t know if I past in all the subjects, so, forget it!!

Hehehe.. I’m kidding!

Kisses for you! Enjoy your vacations!!! And please, do not delete your blogs :)


Have you already stopped doing something you really liked?

Have you already stopped doing something you really liked?

A few weeks ago I was involved in a situation in which I had to stop doing something I really liked.

Everything started when we, my friends and I, decided to meet ourselves and to make a barbecue. At the beginning the meetings were just dinners, but along the meetings we had the idea of bringing some instruments to play and, consequently, to cheer up the people. We drank while we ate and played at the same time. It was a mess and we were awful.
The first meetings there were only few people. However a lot of guys discovered the “meeting party” and they were responsible for spreading the news. So the meeting was becoming a party, because there were people who we really didn’t know. That people started to invite us to play in others meetings, in graduation parties…

At this time we decided to improve our knowledge about playing instruments, including percussion, guitar, and something else. Some of us already knew how to play, but other guys didn’t. Because of this we began to help ourselves to play better. We learned while we played, and the best way to learn to play is playing. It was a gradual and continue growth.
We became a band! Then we went to play in several places!

The biggest problem was I created so much affection for the band and my friends, because we were together in that. We really liked what we did and we had a lot of fun in that time. The band “grew up” with us. And a few weeks ago I had to stop playing with them. Because I live in Pelotas and they live in Rio Grande. I mean it was so difficult to me to go to Rio Grande and to come back at the same night! It was the main reason. It makes me feel so much sad. The feeling was, as painful as to lose somebody you like a lot! I have never thought I would feel that! It was awful! But I’m becoming accustomed to this! :/

Thank you very much!!!