

Hii guys!!

I wrote my text talking about music because this is a topic that I appreciate a lot and I think the majority of people appreciate too.

Music is used for lot of things like, for example, to relax, to dance, to flirt, to get money, to study, etc…

The music consist basically in a sequence of sounds and silence organized along the time.

Nowadays there is no group or civilization that don't have musical events made by themselves.

There are evidences that music is know and practiced since the prehistory. Just through the archaeological sites’ study we can have an idea of music’s development in the first human groups. The rock art found in caves gives a vague idea of this development when it presents figures that seem to be singing, dancing or playing instruments.

This image was found in Cogul, Spain. It shows the women’s dance around a naked man.

Probably the observation of the nature’s sounds awakened in man, by the listening, the need or the will of an activity which is based in the sound’s organization.

Actually the music has various uses, not just like art, but either like military, educational or therapeutic use.

It also has presence in several central collective activities such as religious rituals, festivals and funerals.

So, the music can be used to represents happy and sad moments.

In my case, I use music to relax and to study. Currently I have heard Maroon 5, both to study and to relax. And what about you guys? For what do you use music and which band have you heard?


What I expect for this semester?!

It’s difficult to be in public writing in English but…

One more semester of English lessons similar to the last semester when Rafael arrived, in which we had less time than the normal semesters.

Last semester I think the tests were a little bit complicated by the evaluation. I didn’t understand very well the particularities of each test.

For this semester I intend to improve my listening because last semester I had a lot of problems with this, I don’t know if the problem is the accent or my knowledge about English words, may be this! I’m sure this semester I’ll be persistent to become me better in my listening.

To finish, I have a characteristic when I read something in loud, I generally don’t understand what I’m reading. I would like to know why it happens with me. I guess I pay the most of attention in the speech and I forget the meaning!

Good English for us!!!



What do I expect about this semester?

Hi everybody!! Thank you for visiting our blog!

Well, I think that this is a good point to be talked about because is a nice oportunity to think about this semester.
This semester is not going to be very long if we are talking about time, but it is going to be a very tiring semester for each one of us. About English semester I really hope that I can improve my English. I see that I need to be much better of what I'm now about English. I think that my last semester was good and I could improve mainly my write hability because of the learning logs.
But I feel that I need to get a bigger vocabulary because sometimes I want to say something and I just don't have the right words to say that, or I am reading an English text and I have to stop all the time to search a word in the dictionary! This is awful to me, it makes me feel shy and fearful for write a text (like this one).
Another problem in my English is my speaking. Sometimes I feel very bad because I speak something in English and nobody understand, people just say that "ãh?" or ask "what?" and it makes me stop speaking in English. I don't know, maybe when I speak I do it very low and people don't listen to me, but I can't keep talking anyway.
I don't found problems in the listening, in Rafael's classes I just understand "everything" he speaks, sometimes there is a word which I have never listened to, but I can understand the sentence anyway, so this isn't a problem.
I think that is it. I will study to be better and I will dedicate myself to the research group too.
Kisses for you all!
Nairana Sedrez.