
What do I expect about this semester?

Hi everybody!! Thank you for visiting our blog!

Well, I think that this is a good point to be talked about because is a nice oportunity to think about this semester.
This semester is not going to be very long if we are talking about time, but it is going to be a very tiring semester for each one of us. About English semester I really hope that I can improve my English. I see that I need to be much better of what I'm now about English. I think that my last semester was good and I could improve mainly my write hability because of the learning logs.
But I feel that I need to get a bigger vocabulary because sometimes I want to say something and I just don't have the right words to say that, or I am reading an English text and I have to stop all the time to search a word in the dictionary! This is awful to me, it makes me feel shy and fearful for write a text (like this one).
Another problem in my English is my speaking. Sometimes I feel very bad because I speak something in English and nobody understand, people just say that "ãh?" or ask "what?" and it makes me stop speaking in English. I don't know, maybe when I speak I do it very low and people don't listen to me, but I can't keep talking anyway.
I don't found problems in the listening, in Rafael's classes I just understand "everything" he speaks, sometimes there is a word which I have never listened to, but I can understand the sentence anyway, so this isn't a problem.
I think that is it. I will study to be better and I will dedicate myself to the research group too.
Kisses for you all!
Nairana Sedrez.


  1. Parabens amor, muito bom o blog!!!
    parabens tambem pelo teu empenho, logo irás colher bons frutos por tua dedicação!!!

    Diogo =)

  2. Hello Nai!!
    I totally agree with you Nairana, and I feel the same thing that you.
    I'm going to study a lot, because this is the only way that I see to keep improving.

    Kissesss! Samantha :)

  3. Hi Nairana!
    We have the same problems. I wrote in my blog about my difficult with the speaking too, it's awful when you don't know the vocabulary, isn't it?
    See you :)

  4. Well, Nairana, there is no doubt about your improvement (as well as your classmates') last semester. Of course there are lots to learn, but being willing to do that is the first step.

    Many of you have been indicating vocabulary as the top-one challenge. One of the best ways to improve it is by reading. I have some books and I can lend you if you want.

    The other way to improve is by reviewing the texts you wrote. Start by this one and probably you'll find some mistakes to fix. By the way, in English we write "ABILITY" (no "H") but in our language learning area we refer to it as (writing, reading, speaking or listening) SKILLS.

    See you!

  5. Nai!
    I believe you have an enormous strength and a willingness to learn and improve on your mistakes. I also feel ashamed when I can’t express me or don’t know a word or an expression. But sometimes “pass shame” means that we learn. On your pronunciation I can’t always understand what you say.
    Advice: I can improve the pronunciation of some words with music, singing loudly until I could hear my voice equal to the singer. Maybe the people call you crazy, but it works! kissO Bianca ;)~~

  6. Hi, Nairana! I liked to read your text. You are sure. This semester will be tiring, because of the time. But it will be different too. Now we have a blog. It is nice.
    Thank you for your remark.
    See you!!

  7. Hi Nai!
    Well, well, don't panic!!! Your English is really good and also we are here to learn!
    I'm going to tell you what I said to our classmates, "making mistakes helps a lot to learn", because we can see what we're not doing well and do it better!
    Ok, I read the text twice, and I found a little thing (which I don't know if it is actually wrong, but I'm going to comment it anyway..)
    "This is awful to me, it makes me feel shy and fearful for write a text (like this one)."
    That phrase, I think you can change the "for" at "...shy and fearful for write..." and write ...shy and fearful to write.
    As I said, I'm not sure if that's right, let's see..

    Well, partner, congratulations, it is a really nice text we can see that you worked on it! ;)

  8. Oh, that was me, Alejandro.
    LOL, sorry, forgot to assign.

  9. Hi Nai!!!
    Well, as I could see, we all have problems with speaking among people. But I guess when we speak more Eglish, we will become more confident. Lets speak English! I think that it is a small problem which I found. Instead of to say "I don't found problems..." you may say "I din't find problems..." See you, Evelise

  10. Hii Evelise!! Thank you so much for the correction!! I read my text more or less 10 times and I didn't see it!! :o
    But what I wanted to say is "I don't find problems.." I don't know why I wrote "found" Oo
    But thank you so much!
    And Rafael, is there any other mistake? 'Cause I could not find them!
    Thank you all guys!!
