

Hii guys!!

I wrote my text talking about music because this is a topic that I appreciate a lot and I think the majority of people appreciate too.

Music is used for lot of things like, for example, to relax, to dance, to flirt, to get money, to study, etc…

The music consist basically in a sequence of sounds and silence organized along the time.

Nowadays there is no group or civilization that don't have musical events made by themselves.

There are evidences that music is know and practiced since the prehistory. Just through the archaeological sites’ study we can have an idea of music’s development in the first human groups. The rock art found in caves gives a vague idea of this development when it presents figures that seem to be singing, dancing or playing instruments.

This image was found in Cogul, Spain. It shows the women’s dance around a naked man.

Probably the observation of the nature’s sounds awakened in man, by the listening, the need or the will of an activity which is based in the sound’s organization.

Actually the music has various uses, not just like art, but either like military, educational or therapeutic use.

It also has presence in several central collective activities such as religious rituals, festivals and funerals.

So, the music can be used to represents happy and sad moments.

In my case, I use music to relax and to study. Currently I have heard Maroon 5, both to study and to relax. And what about you guys? For what do you use music and which band have you heard?


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  2. Music!
    When I have to think about it, I get very confoused! Music has so many meanings! It's so "natural" for those who plays musical instruments!
    I think everything I now about music I learned at home. My father has "a million" CDs! When I was a little girl, I used to listen Elis Regina, Chico Buarque, Vinicius de Moraes. And nowadays , I stiil listen to them!
    But I can't use music to study! I like listening to music when I'm cooking or having a meal. And when I have do tidy my room!
    Did I answer your question? I hope so :D

    Kisses, Juliana!

  3. Hi Nai!
    I loved your text too!
    Recently I didn't listening music, but I love it. When I'm cleaning my house I put de song very high,but when I'm studying I need silence.
    I'm ecletic, but I hate country music.
    That's it.
    kisses, ju.

  4. Hi Nai!!!!
    Thanks for your comments about my text. I love music too. I like to listen to music when I am at home, when I go to the University, when I travel and much more. I am very ecletic but some of bands and singers that I like are: Shania, U2, Lifehouse, Beirut and others. Kisses, Evelise

  5. Hi Nai!
    You know, today afternoon I even thought about writing something about music, not in this aspect, but also about music! hehehe
    I saw and read your text and it's funny, that music has all those years and history, don't you think?
    I liked the fact that you talked about the past of music! As I'm a music lover too, I liked also what you said about having music for everything and every situation! I like that!
    I also like Maroon 5 too! If you want to, I can lend you their first cd, "Songs About Jane", it is a good one! :)
    Kisses Nai, see ya tomorrow! :)

  6. Hi, Nairana. I love to listen to music. When I go to University, because I have a good time on the bus. When I am using the computer. I listen to a lot radio. And in my computer I have some songs, such as: How to save a life (The fray), I'm yours (Jason Mraz) and James Blunt too. Good subject to talk with you here.

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  8. Hi Nairana

    your text is very nice, but there is also where to improve, right? So, here I go:

    - use either A LOT (OF) or LOTS (OF);
    - do not use THE before MUSIC, unless you're being specific (e.g. "the music they play is fantastic");
    - the verb CONSIST requires OF after it (it consists of a sequence);
    - EVIDENCE is singular, so "there IS evidence";
    - the past participle of KNOW is KNOWN.

    Well, that's it! See you!
