
Constructive criticism

Hi you all! Today my post is quite different from the others. Today I decided to make a constructive coment/criticism about Rafael's avaliation.
Professor, don't be upset with me. I would not talk about this if I thought that you would not accept my coment as a good thing.
I think that about the writing test there wasn't big problems even because we already knew your type of tests, altought I think the first question will bring problems, but we talk about that later.
The points are: the listening test, the speaking test and the organization of time!
First, as Rafael knows, I didn't like the listening test because I think that we usually listen to audios clearer and easier than the one that we listened for the test. Of course I know that tests tend to be more difficult than classes, but I think if Rafael is working with us using a certain level of audios to practice our listening, he can't take a leap on the test's days and ask us to understand something strongly different of what we are accustomed. Other problem that I (and other colleagues) had in the speaking test was the street noises, I suggest to Rafael that our next listening test be in LAAC (at University building at Avenue), so we won't have problems at listen to the audio.
About the speaking and the organization of time, I want to say that in my opinion the time was poorly organized. I say this because on Monday Rafael said that should go class Wednesday just the ones who had doubts about the writing test and the ones who combined with him to talk about the speaking test. I went to class with doubts about the writing test and I left the class with the same doubts! I saw that Rafael had no time for that and for this reason I think that the time was poorly organized. Maybe Rafael thought that the time he planned was suficient to what he proposed, but in fact it wasn't. I think isn't fair that some colleagues could spent 1 hour talking with Rafael about the speaking test and Juliana and I could have just 10 minutes with the professor. I think the best Rafael could have done was use the Wednesday to take off our doubts about the writing test and postpone the speaking test to next Wednesday so that he could use the Monday to take off the latest doubts about the speaking test. I know that I'm going to disappoint you Rafael with my speaking test, not for my speaking in itself, but for the understanding of reading (and it's not your fault neither mine, its just because I don't have the knowledge enough to understand that).
Well, that's it! I hope Rafael understands that I'm just pointing some things that I think wasn't so good in his avaliations, and may have impaired our perfomance in the tests.
Now I want to know your opinion guys, so that I can realize if I'm right in what I said or if I am the problem!
Hugs! And don't forget to comment about my mistakes!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Nai!
    I totally agree with you!
    And I think it's missing something about the speaking test, because I remember Rafael proposed to give us some Linguistic texts without commitment but in the end, he asked us to read those texts for the speaking test.
    I think it would be better if Rafael had asked us to do a dialog intead of explain some article (independent of the subject) and if somebody in our apresentation ask us something and we couldn't explain, will Rafael discount this in our avaluation?
    I agree with you when you said to me that if we didn't understand a text doesn't mean that we are not be able to communicate in English.
    I hope Rafael doesn't be angry with me, I'm just exposing my point of view.
    See you Nai, good luck for us tomorrow!!!

  3. Bibi
    I agree with yoo too!

  4. Hi Nai!!!
    I agree with you, especially with the listening test. I think it was hard to listen to the test not just because of the noise but because of the kind of test. I think there were a lot of information and the man who spoke, did it to fast. Of course I am seing it based in my point of view, but I know I am not the only one. I am sure that Rafael is not going to get angry with us. I think this kind of discution is important for us all. See you tomorow.

  5. Ok, first of all, because this blog thing is for that, you forgot the apostrophe at it's on "its just because I don't have the knowledge enough to understand that)."
    I think our langauge is really good in this text, I see the improvements we have when using things we learn on class, that's really amazing!
    Well, about the subject of your text, I have already talked to you about that and I agree with you on most of the things you point in here, it really got us on the time thing and I have to agree with what you said, the listening was awful because of the mix of a different (and fast) speaking we aren't used to and the noise coming from the street. I know some of us arrive a little later and had to sit at the back, but everyone should have listened as well as the others. Anyways, I don't think that Rafael is going to get mad with this, 'cause as you said, it is a constructive criticism.
    Anyways, I like the fact that you brought something from our reality to our texts, I think it's a nice thing to do.
    Hugs Nai, see you tomorrow! (and good luck at our speaking tests)

  6. About the speaking test:
    People I could understand well what was about. And I could answered all question I don't know if I was right in every little thing but I don't think it was for third semester at all.


  7. Hello Nai!!!

    I agree with you and my colegues. This weekend I couldn't think in other thing different that English. I know that I'm improving in the English classes but with this test I realised that this dosn't metter anymore.
    The level on the Listening test wasn't our level, I could understand just a few words becauyse the man was talking very fast. The Writing test was very complicated but I could write a lot. And the Speaking test I think that this is very difficult because I never saw this kind of text before and the words are complicated, so this let me nervous, because I have to talk about something that I have never seen before.
    So I couldn't ubnderstand Rafael's avaliation in this semestre, I hope that Rafael explain to us.

    Kisses Friend!!! See you at classe!! :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Nairana!
    I agree with! The listening test was "imposible", I couldn't answer many questions, and I wasn't sitting in the back. It was very hard to understend what the man said. He spoke very fast! E we had to get much details, like numbers, time... When we do listening activies in class, I usually understand everything, so I agree with you that this is not our level.
    Now, I am very worried, because I think I got very bad in the listening test, so I have to get on very well in the writing and the speaking test, but I don't believe it's going to happen...
    Congratulations for the text.
    See you!
