
How fortunate we are!

Hi guys! This week my post is not going to be a completely happy post as the others! But if you stop to think you'll realize that we must be happy for ourselves after seeing this post! Do you usually thank God for your life? You should! We should! Guys, I received an e-mail last week talking just about this and from then on I started to thank God all the days! This photos which I put here were in the e-mail! I'm sure you'll be shocked! And please, don't be angry with me for my sad post, sometimes it's necessary. And I think that this is more important than talk about music!
So...let's consider that y
ou all thank God everydays. For what do you thank? For your life as a general idea, probably. And... what about your food? Ahh probably you thank for it too. But, what about the water? Yes, the water! It's starting to be rare, isn't it? And even knowing this detail, do you thank for the water that you have? I confess that I don't remember of have already thanked for having water! Do you usually waste food? If you do, I think that you should think twice before doing it! If we add the food that we all waste, certainly everybody in the world would have something to eat! Can you imagine how many people die of hunger everyday in the world? Just talking about children the numbers are already terrible! According to FAO's information (in 2002), anually at least 5 million children die of hunger in all the world, which is more or less a death every 5 seconds!!!(here you can see more details)
And talking about general people (not only children), according to ONU, in 2003 841 million people died by hunger, which means that more than two million people dies of hunger every day, more than malaria, AIDS and tuberculosis kill together! (more information here) Could you imagine these numbers? I couldn't! This is really awful!
We have to be glad for live in this part of the worl
d! And I'll not talk about the other things that we should be glad because they become nothing compared to food and water!
Take a look at the pictures and
have a reflection moment about them!

"The photo was the 'Pulitzer prize' winning photo taken in 1994 during the Sudan famine. The picture depicts a famine stricken child crawling towards and United Nations food camp, located a kilometer away. The vulture is waiting for the child to die so that it can eat it. This picture shocked the whole world. No one know what happened to the child, including the photographer Kevin Carter who left the place as soon as the photograph was taken. Three months later he committed suicide due to depression." (Paragraph took from the e-mail that I talked about)

Now I ask you: won't you give more value for everything you have?

In the e-mail that I received was wrote:
"This is one more reason why we have to thank God for the food that we can have easily...
But in the other hand... ironically, we still waste the food that we buy.
I feel very grateful for what I have today...
We are so blessed for the wonderful works of God's hand in our life today, just think of this...
I feel very fortunate to live in this part of the world.
I promise I will never waste my food no matter how bad it can taste and how full I may be.
I promise not to waste water.
I pray that this little boy be alleviated from his suffering.
I pray that we will be more sensitive towards the suffering in the world around us and not be blinded by our own selfish nature and interests.
I hope these pictures will always serve as a reminder to us about how fortunate we are and that we must never take things for granted.
Think and look at this... when you complain about your food and the food we waste daily..."

Think about it!
Please, leave your comment about the text and the pictures and about my mistakes too!
Thank you! Have a good week!


  1. Hi Nairana,
    At first, thanks for your comments about my text. About yours... well, I think the pictures are showwing all. I agree with you about how blessed we are in our lives. But what we can not forget is that world is our too and think about why there are so much difference in the same planet. I think your text, although sad, is very important to us to think about our own lives and the world which is our home. Nice text.
    I just noted two things:
    "thank God for your live" I guess is "lives" or "life".
    "two million people dies " I guess is "die".
    See you in the class

  2. Hi, Nairana. You wrote a sad thing but it is necessary. Sometimes we complain but we have food, water, a bed to sleep, a blanket.
    We have luck.
    I can't believe there are a lot of people suffering.
    The photos are awful.
    Good reflection.

  3. Hi Nairana!!

    I was terrified with hese picyures. First, I saw the pictures, after I read the post.
    They made me consider and think that I don't thank God for wonderful things that I had. And also I forget to ask for him take care of these people and other people who need.
    When I saw these pictures I felt a remorese because of the times I wastesd food.
    So fter reading this post I will think in my actions.

    Very thank you Nairana for have write this text.

    Kisses Aline

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Shocking but true... nice text, though.
