
Today: Grandparents' Day!!

Hii everybody!!
Today is a special day but lots of people don't know: Today is the grandparents' day!!!
Yeah! But, why?
I searched in the internet and I discovered the story of this day:
This day was chosen because it is the day of Santa Ana and São Joaquim who are Maria's parents and grandparents of Jesus Cristo.
The story tells us that Santa Ana and São Joaquim didn't have children and they really wanted to have. So one day, even the couple being old, an angel came and comunicated that Ana was pregnant and then Ana had Maria. Ana died when Maria was 3 years old and for her story she is considered the patron saint of pregnant women.
Now, forgetting this religious view, I think grandparents deserv having a special day!
For this reason, I enjoy the opportunity to talk about my grandparents.
Their names are Sady and Nahyr and they are just like angels! They are 77 and 82 years old, respectivelly.
They are just great, perfects, wonderful, everything you can think about good people!
I start crying just thinking about the day in which they will die.. I won't put up with the sadness. I'm sure I will topple! And it is terrible..
My grandparents are always ready to help everybody.
Most of you know that when I start studying in the University I was living with them, in their house, eating their food, living with their money and, what is incredible in this history, they live with R$ 530,00 by month. And even receiving this small salary, they accepted me to live with them, without any problems!!
The two years I lived there were great. Of course, I had problems, but particular problems, because of my phobia about insects... (I'm not going to talk about bad things, I'll just say one thing about my phobia: Living with them was so great that I "overcame" - just in that time - my phobia to live with them!)
In that time I used to work during the day and study and work at Michigan at night so I was always exhausted. Knowing about my tiredness my grandmother always prepared everything for me: my clothes, my meals, etc. And just to make and observation, she was 80 years old and she still washed the clothes on the sink, so I saved some money and gave her a small washing machine.
Oh my God, I really want to live with them again, I would love it because they're rare, extraordinary!!
Well, I had to leave them because it was getting hard for me to go to University by bicycle and to study without having a computer at home, you know, confort is quite a need when you're studying.
The goodbye was really awful. I got in the car crying and I arrived at my mother's house crying. My grandfather couldn't say anything more than "Bye", his eyes were full of water, he was almost crying. And my grandmother? When I started saying "thank you so much for what you did for me, I love you so much, etc." she just changed the subject, avoiding tears.
Today I called them to congrat them for their day and to say how much I love them. My grandmother asked me to sleep there on Wednesday because she has to go to the doctor on Friday morning and she wants me to go with her. As you know, I am full of things to do, but, of course, I said: "Yeah grandma, it is going to be very good, I'm very busy but I'll always have time for you!" =)
Grandparents are angels without wings! I don't know how I would be without them in my life!
Here you have a picture of them on my last grandma's birthday:

And what about your grandparents guys?


I'm getting crazy!!

Hi people! How are you?
No.. I'm not asking it just to start a conversation being polite. I really want to hear you! I want to know how you are, how your lives are, because I'm not as well as I would like to be! Yeah, it is true... =/
From some weeks ago until now I've been crazy and depressive!
I think I'm getting like that because I have lots of things to do and I can't. I try, I ave been studying hard but that's not enough yet. I need to be better and do more, I really have to do what I'm supposed to do and I have it very clear in my mind. The problem is that everything I've been doing is focused on study and that's not enough at all. The other problem is that my ID (the part of the mind which is responsible for the human's pleasure) is constantly asking me to have some fun and my Superego (the part of the mind which is responsible for make the human act using the reason) is constantly remembering me that I have a lot of things to do and so I can't spend my short and precious time having fun. This is the reason for why I'm getting depressive.
So, as I said, I'm not just getting depressive, I'm getting crazy too, and I'm not turning things bigger than they are!
As some of you already know on Thursday I saw myself in a bizarre situation:

I talked with a book!

Oh my God, that's so shameful!
I wouldn't tell it to you but I don't care because I think you will not have a bad reaction, instead of that I hope that you can try to help in any way a crazy colleague.
Well, you probably are curious about what I said to the book and what book was that.
I was studying morfology on my desk at about 1 a.m. when suddenly I saw the book "A carne" written by Júlio Ribeiro. This book was on my shelf, so I took the book and I said:
-"Bah! Que massa!! Vou ler esse livro! Eu quero ler esse livro!"
And after I said:
-"Ah! Não posso ler, não tenho tempo!"
So I opened the book, approximated my mouth of its pages and whispered:
-"Eu vou te ler depois, agora eu não tenho tempo, mas depois eu te leio! Tá?"
Then I closed the book, looked at it and saved it on its place.
Now I ask you: Am I already crazy? Or I'm just getting crazy and I'm not crazy yet? I'm worried about it! =(
On Friday morning I saw myself practicing my speaking with my godson, who is a 4 months-old baby!!!
So, what do you think about my situation? Are you like I am? Do you think what I have is serious? Have you already felt like that?



The week before the last week I bought a 3G modem, so I cant to come up with an excuse to dont to post in our blog!OK?!=P

Im going to talk about the 3G internet. The 3G is the third generation standards and technologies for mobile telephony. This technology doesn’t works by satellite. Although there are identified satellite frequencies to this, today the 3G’s are Earth frequencies, in other words it occurs between the apparatus and a radio base station on Earth. Today is useful to have a 3G Internet because you can to connect in any place you are, since there is in your city a 3G support.

But, pay attention it isn’t a great acquisition!

About the velocities. The velocities are a majestic lie, even there isn’t a nomenclature, nominal velocity is the name used to define the highest velocity and not the real velocity, which is “a bit” lower. They should to announce the minimal velocity but it not occurs and you buy a product that isn’t what you really want. You realize this when you begin to use the Internet and it takes several minutes to load your pages. It occurred with me, and I needed to return to the establishment and I changed the velocity to another more powerful.

My internet is from Claro and it works better here in Pelotas than Rio Grande because the antennas, but nevertheless when it’s raining or the sky is so much cloudy is so difficult to surf quickly. I mean, if you don’t need to connect in different places, it’s better to buy another kind of internet like cable or ADSL because they are cheaper and work much better!

See you!!!


What do you think about drink and drive?

Hey guys! Today I start with a question:
What do you think about drink and drive?
I can imagine that all of you are against this. Do you have any reason to think like that?
So, I just hate this habbit that a lot of people have and I have a reason for this. Just watch the following video:

This history is just terrible!! Compare the girl's pictures before and after the accident, she obviously isn't the same person, neither inside or outside, she changed completely and why?
Because an inconsequent boy decided to drink and drive! This is CAOS theory acting! A small decision changed a lot of lives!
Jacqueline Saburido was very young, just like her friends that were in the car with her. Then, that boy drank, drove and, of course, hit Jackie's car! Because of the crash Jackie was trapped inside the car while the car was on fire. Her friends died and she and Reggie (the boy who caused the accident) could survive but we can say that Jackie and Reggie died in that accident too because Jackie received 3rd degree burns to 60% of her body and Reggie will never be happy again, he certainly will carry the guilt for the rest of his life!
As you could see in the video, Jackie has undergone over 40 operations and is in constant pain. She will never have her life again too. And what about the families? Can you imagine the suffering of the victims' families?
So, I don't have much to say, this isn't a big post in size, but it is big in depth! And I don't have much to say because I don't need to say more, everything that I can say is obvious! Just like:
People can't be inconsequent and do what they want without thinking if it isn't going to damage other people! If somebody wants to run the risk of die, ok, it is his problem, BUT he has to pay attention and think if it isn't going to kill another person, to generate another victims, to kill an innocent person!!!
I think we all have to remember Jacqueline's case when we are going do to inconsequent things.
I'm very sad for what happened to her, but I thank her because she is saving many lives, at least that's what I hope!
And I ask you to warn people you know not to do what Reggie did.


Yes Man!

Yes Man is a movie which I watched last night! The movie is a romantic comedy directed by Peyton Reed and it was released in 2008 (2009 in Brazil).
This movie tells us the story of Carl Allen (Jim Carrey), a man who was used to say NO to everything. He was always giving excuses to his friends, her girlfriend broke with him, he has been in the same post in his work for 5 years and his life is a terrible rotine!
One day an old friend of Carl meet him and tells him about his new life! Carl's friend learnt to say "Yes" to the life and now he is completely happy! This friend asks Carl to go to a self-help meeting where he will learn to say YES!

Then Carl goes to this meeting and after that his life has an incredible change!
I liked this movie a lot so I suggest you to watch it!

If you want, here you have two trailers (one in Portuguese and the other in English) to watch and have a better idea about the film.
I'm not that kind of people that is used to say NO to the life! I guess I usually enjoy the opportunities. And what about you guys? Do you enjoy the opportunities you have? Do you usually say "yes" or "no" to life? And do you remember any ocasion in which you said "no" and after you regretted?
Share your experiences with us! ;)

Detail: I put a term in italic, does somebody know if that is correct?

Kisses guys! Have a good week!