
What do you think about drink and drive?

Hey guys! Today I start with a question:
What do you think about drink and drive?
I can imagine that all of you are against this. Do you have any reason to think like that?
So, I just hate this habbit that a lot of people have and I have a reason for this. Just watch the following video:

This history is just terrible!! Compare the girl's pictures before and after the accident, she obviously isn't the same person, neither inside or outside, she changed completely and why?
Because an inconsequent boy decided to drink and drive! This is CAOS theory acting! A small decision changed a lot of lives!
Jacqueline Saburido was very young, just like her friends that were in the car with her. Then, that boy drank, drove and, of course, hit Jackie's car! Because of the crash Jackie was trapped inside the car while the car was on fire. Her friends died and she and Reggie (the boy who caused the accident) could survive but we can say that Jackie and Reggie died in that accident too because Jackie received 3rd degree burns to 60% of her body and Reggie will never be happy again, he certainly will carry the guilt for the rest of his life!
As you could see in the video, Jackie has undergone over 40 operations and is in constant pain. She will never have her life again too. And what about the families? Can you imagine the suffering of the victims' families?
So, I don't have much to say, this isn't a big post in size, but it is big in depth! And I don't have much to say because I don't need to say more, everything that I can say is obvious! Just like:
People can't be inconsequent and do what they want without thinking if it isn't going to damage other people! If somebody wants to run the risk of die, ok, it is his problem, BUT he has to pay attention and think if it isn't going to kill another person, to generate another victims, to kill an innocent person!!!
I think we all have to remember Jacqueline's case when we are going do to inconsequent things.
I'm very sad for what happened to her, but I thank her because she is saving many lives, at least that's what I hope!
And I ask you to warn people you know not to do what Reggie did.


  1. Hi Nairana!
    I absolutely agree with you... It's terrible! I have a cousin who died in car accident, about ten years ago. Oh, it was very sad. Her friend was drunk, she also was, so didn't realize what was happening. They were in a small city, they didn't crash another car, but a tree! There were another three people in the car, they survived.
    It's very sad to talk about this. Her mother still suffers a lot, she will never be happy again. There is nothing worts then losing a son. And I'll never forget that day when we received the notice...

    Well, talking about your text... I think it should be "What do you think about DRINKING and DRIVING". But I really don't know why, I just think!

    Nice and important text! See you!

  2. Hi Juliana! I'm sorry for your cousin =/
    Unfortunately it happens a lot!!
    And about "drinking and driving" I have the same doubt!!
    Can anyone else explain it for me??

  3. Nai the feeling I felt while I was watching the video is undescribable. When I saw her picture and after reading the title I could imagine but it was far stronger than I thought.
    It is very sad for both of them speacilly for her, of course who lives that on skin daily.

    It is also very strange how humans can forget things easily I mean now I read your post and I making my comment but in one week I'll probably forget.Why?
    Because it didn't happen with me or someone I love. People should lose this "bad memory" and give the right valuee to life. We should be glad for everyday in our lives because sometimes (most times!) we act like fools thinking that our life isn't as good as it should be.

    I don't know if I make myself clear.


  4. Hi Nairana!!!!
    I have already watched another video about this girl. It is very sad. I have already heard people say they drive better when they are drunk. Can you imagine this? I think this is one of the most stupid things people do. Can you remenber the deputy who killed two boys in ParanĂ¡? Where is he? This kind of people do not think that when they hurt someone like Jaki or kill people like this boys, they are not just hurting or killing this people but, as you said, they are destroying their families too.
    About your doubt, I think it is "drinking" and "driving" because before this words we have a preposition.
    See you, Evelise
