
Today: Grandparents' Day!!

Hii everybody!!
Today is a special day but lots of people don't know: Today is the grandparents' day!!!
Yeah! But, why?
I searched in the internet and I discovered the story of this day:
This day was chosen because it is the day of Santa Ana and São Joaquim who are Maria's parents and grandparents of Jesus Cristo.
The story tells us that Santa Ana and São Joaquim didn't have children and they really wanted to have. So one day, even the couple being old, an angel came and comunicated that Ana was pregnant and then Ana had Maria. Ana died when Maria was 3 years old and for her story she is considered the patron saint of pregnant women.
Now, forgetting this religious view, I think grandparents deserv having a special day!
For this reason, I enjoy the opportunity to talk about my grandparents.
Their names are Sady and Nahyr and they are just like angels! They are 77 and 82 years old, respectivelly.
They are just great, perfects, wonderful, everything you can think about good people!
I start crying just thinking about the day in which they will die.. I won't put up with the sadness. I'm sure I will topple! And it is terrible..
My grandparents are always ready to help everybody.
Most of you know that when I start studying in the University I was living with them, in their house, eating their food, living with their money and, what is incredible in this history, they live with R$ 530,00 by month. And even receiving this small salary, they accepted me to live with them, without any problems!!
The two years I lived there were great. Of course, I had problems, but particular problems, because of my phobia about insects... (I'm not going to talk about bad things, I'll just say one thing about my phobia: Living with them was so great that I "overcame" - just in that time - my phobia to live with them!)
In that time I used to work during the day and study and work at Michigan at night so I was always exhausted. Knowing about my tiredness my grandmother always prepared everything for me: my clothes, my meals, etc. And just to make and observation, she was 80 years old and she still washed the clothes on the sink, so I saved some money and gave her a small washing machine.
Oh my God, I really want to live with them again, I would love it because they're rare, extraordinary!!
Well, I had to leave them because it was getting hard for me to go to University by bicycle and to study without having a computer at home, you know, confort is quite a need when you're studying.
The goodbye was really awful. I got in the car crying and I arrived at my mother's house crying. My grandfather couldn't say anything more than "Bye", his eyes were full of water, he was almost crying. And my grandmother? When I started saying "thank you so much for what you did for me, I love you so much, etc." she just changed the subject, avoiding tears.
Today I called them to congrat them for their day and to say how much I love them. My grandmother asked me to sleep there on Wednesday because she has to go to the doctor on Friday morning and she wants me to go with her. As you know, I am full of things to do, but, of course, I said: "Yeah grandma, it is going to be very good, I'm very busy but I'll always have time for you!" =)
Grandparents are angels without wings! I don't know how I would be without them in my life!
Here you have a picture of them on my last grandma's birthday:

And what about your grandparents guys?


  1. Oh My God Nai!!!
    Very beautiful your post, and I have to say that I cried a lot reading it. And I need to say that I love my grandparents too, they are everything to me, because when my mother start work they took care of me. and they've helped me with money.

    Kissessss friend :)

  2. Hi Nairana!!
    How "cute" your grandparents!
    Unfornatelly, now I have only my grandfather. He is my mommy's father. I really love him. He is so sweet! And he tells us about his stories. Things were so different when they were young. I think he's an example for me. I can learn many things whit him and I can think about what I want to me when I see him.
    But I have to confess I couldn't live with him. At first, because he doesn't live in Pelotas. But also because he wouldn't understand my way I and he could suffer with my life style...
    Congratulations for you grandpas! They must be really good!

  3. Hi Nairana!!!!
    I loved your text. I think our family is the most important thing we have. I still have one grandmother, my father's mom. She is 96 years old and she lives in Paraná with my aunt. She can´t walk anymore so she needs a lot of help. In January, I went to Paraná to see her. She was not that good at that time, she did not recognised me. I love her and I wanted to be nearer her. She is the oldest person in my family.
    Kisses, Evelise

  4. Hi, Nairana!!!
    Your grandparents are wonderful people. As your grandmother is alike young, if you didn’t say, I would never say that she is 82 years old.
    I don’t have grandparents, all they died. My mother and my father miss them. Sometimes my mom looks for pictures and after describes as it was her childhood. I get very sad.
    Kisses Aline

  5. Hi Nairana!
    Well I love my grandparents, they are really special for me. I practically live with them, because they are my neighbours. I go there every day to see if they are ok and justlike you I can't think in my life without them, it'd so sad :/
    I loved your text! Your grandparents are really cute :) Kisses

  6. Hi, Nairana. Your text is beautiful. When I was reading I could remember my grandparents. I loved to stay with them and I went to their house every weekend. Now I just can remember good things I did with them.
    See you!!
